Friday, March 30, 2012

plan of seduction

seduction. game plan. target mr. b. go.

while baby was doing this

i used this

to make this

success!..opps forgot the homemade bread...our rating...8/10 only because our oven cooked pretty fast so ours turned out more medium well [we prefer medium] but they were still delicious. next time we know less time. also, fun fact 3 seconds after i snapped this picture hudson threw his ball right on mr.b's steak..haha. he was also not happy to be left out of the steak eating, but cleaned his bowl of squash and green beans.

my reward...get y'alls mind out of the gutter ;) alone time...ahhh

so tomorrow morning we are participating in the benton tater trot 5k with our neighbor friend natalie and her babies tage, and penn! this should be interesting since i get out of breath walking up to the stop sign, but we will have fun talking errr exercising. i just must resist the temptation to stop for a lemon shake-up along the way.

later that saturday we will be glued to the tv cheering on the CATS! hudson is wearing his UK pj's tonight for luck and we are all wearing big blue gear tomorrow. ill make sure to take photos of my dying the race event to share with yall on monday. also, if all goes as plan ill be knocking out the bench project on my list! with big help from the mr. b.

hope everyone has a great weekend. happy early birthday to my very good friend ellen!
talk soon

Thursday, March 29, 2012


so much has changed. and fast! i know everyone says this, but now i just know how true that statement is. soon he will be driving i just know it...well maybe a truck version cozy coupe. hudson's sleeping time vs awake time has shifted so i spend much of my time playing with the little guy. and i love it. newborns are cute. small. cry. and demand food..a lot. hard very hard for a nursing mom. i love this stage though! here are our new events happening in our daily routine

pretty much sitting up on his own..with the occasional tip over

hudson loves to pretend to drive the golf cart...which has replaced his baby swing

he eats peas, green beans, and tried squash for the first time today!

it is hard to not pick him up right away because he now lifts his arms and shakes his hands and legs at me.

his new discovered talent...drum roll..he can clap with his feet. with extreme accuracy. my pilates instructor would be proud.

the dogs love that hudson is eating at the table now. insert image of mika [our husky] flying through the air to lick his spoon :/ they are now interested in this possible food jackpot we call baby hudson. hudson is also very interested in our dog much so that it distracts his eating..he just laughs and laughs. i got it on video don't worry. would have won major awards for cuteness, but i forgot to push play apparently. not happy

hudson...obviously not very interested in yummy green beans

still looking and laughing at the dogs

 the culprits

we are not crawling yet, but hudson has always loved tummy time for the most part. i have noticed some serious ground covering lately. turns out we have a scooter...crawling is coming...eeeek then ill have to pin him in to get anything done. along with baby proofing. great.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


well well...i have still been mia. sorry readers [mom + good friends]...when good weather arrives it is like mr.b and i are obsessed with getting projects done. it has been this way for the last 5 years. so since it appears we are blessed with an early spring [insert sarcasm...see i love fall and usually winter...or mainly just jeans and sweatshirt weather..because i hate wearing shorts, BUT i did happen to find an excellent pair for this i bought it in every color. im not kidding] so adam and i have been busy busy busy. sorry blog. also baby is not sleeping..errrrr

for starters. i got my art back from the framers

i have narrowed down the new den rug to two options!..but realistically price will drive this decision i am affraid

i also purchased all the needed supplies for my bench [which will be built this weekend] here is a sneak peak at some of the materials

i re-potted and pruned some of my indoor babies [the schefflera is 35 years was given to my mimi at her brother cecil's [weird huh!] i named her rubywayne..i have had her for 4 years now.

we did a lot of work outside removing dead bushes and replanting new ones..the dogs and baby helped supervise

all this outdoor gardening work started with the removal of a small bush/tree last fall that was against the brick wall. we replaced it with two new box-woods...also GO CATS!

then we kept going...these dead/dying juniper bushes drove me crazy



we needed to remove the three dead bushes under the tree

[after]..replaced them with three white azalea bushes

added planters...go UK

moved the rock path on the side garden..we added the succulents last summer and plan to add more and some ferns in a few weeks.

looking much better! the holly trees will be trimmed this fall [by a not going to try and attempt that] but we are done for now

last weekend we played with aunt shea, and great grandpa house while cheering on the CATS!

also met with contractors to start getting quotes on

     1.  the removal of the glass in the veranda and to add screens
     2.  bust out the concrete patio and add pavers along with building a natural swell

we also golfed! first round of the season...little man loves our golf cart and this was his first golf outing. we live on hole #5 so i figure he will be a golfer since it will be his main playground. im ok with traveling to beautiful courses for golf tournaments. i can do that ;) for hudson of course.

baby on the fairway!

 all of this caused a much needed nap for little hud/dan...and a beer or two for mom and dad

so tomorrow ill have an update on all things hudson. he has really really changed. most things are great..some not so much [lack of sleep]

talk soon friends

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

heaven's angel

i'm back! so sorry for completely going mia, but i had to.

friends, i left for texas two thursdays ago to go visit my mimi and popo [dan]. these are two of the most important people in my life. popo has been battling congestive heart failure like an olympian for the past few years, and he wanted to see hudson "called little dan". so little dan, myself, and my parents set out on the 12+ hour drive to tx. right away i knew when we got there that this would be my last visit with popo. i am not sharing details, but it was an absolute honor to take care of popo until he left us for a much better place.

y'all might not know this, but randomly i got my cna [certified nurse assistant] certificate while i was in college. i worked in a nursing home, and on a med surgical floor for income/fun money. kinda strange for a design student, but now i am sure that the sole purpose of that was so i would be able/capable of taking care of my popo during such a critical and vulnerable time of his life. see he wanted to pass at his house, and the family was able to honor his wishes. i was able to say my goodbyes, and hearing him say "i love you kris" one last time was priceless to me.

so now i know i have one heck of an angel up above. i love you popo.

upon returning to ky...spring has sprung. i love this part of the year...well a close second to fall, and it is fun to see hudson enjoying it too. i forgot to get pictures of it, but he took his first golf cart ride over to GiGi and Pop's squealing with excitement the entire way. while we were over there i snapped a cute picture of "lil dan" and a beautiful redbud.

now that things are falling back into order from being away for so long...i hope to get going on my list of projects. updates coming soon.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

tutu please

getting a little crafty around here. i had purchased these scrap pieces of material back before hudson was born, and today i decided to make something from them. my niece's 4th birthday is coming i made her a tutu.  i was inspired by this image on pinterest..and your in luck if you don't want to spend the time to make your own because it is linked to an etsy store.

this project was easy and the final result looks so fun. she is really into imagination play and princesses so i think she will love it. now i just have to find her some cowboy boots to wear with the tutu.

being modeled by gus

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

twinkle twinkle little star

last night without power was sorta fun. i don't consider where we live to be noisy at all. actually it is the much quieter than anything i have ever been used to [trains, ambulances, intoxicated college students @3am, ect] but i was amazed how quiet it seemed when the power went radio, no tv, no internet. just us and it was nice. lil man wasn't quite ready for bed when the power went out so we put him in bed with us. we told stories with the flashlight, and then i remembered his tom the for the rest of the power outage [or until mr. b and baby fell asleep] we sat under the stars..tickled little toes, and enjoyed baby laughs. it was a sweet family moment.

ghost stories by dad

tom the turtle's stars

little curious hands

we had a lot of fun last weekend in lexington. the mr. and i love going there because the city holds a lot of good memories for us, our family, and great friends. it was eventful getting there with friday's scary storms, then going from 75degree weather to 40degree weather on sat [i forgot a coat], and then on sunday it snowed. this picture was just the beginning...they ended up with around 3 inches and a snow day!

the sudden cold weather allowed for us to just relax indoors
in pjs and drink coffee

find and eat girl scout cookies [that uncle cody and i went searching for]..side note i have already eaten a box and a half

get lots of hugs from aunt melissa

 play like a big boy with uncle cody

even got some new gear for the up coming march madness..GO CATS!

one great thing about my brother-inlaw is that he loves to take pictures. i didn't really realize this until we moved away. see i had plenty of pictures through college and shortly after with me actually in them mostly because of cody. i am realizing now with hudson that i tend to always be behind the camera [mr.b isn't big on taking pictures] so it was nice to have some updated photos with lil hud. thanks cody and melissa!

alrighty..i'm off to finish a little craft project i have started..ill share details tomorrow

Monday, March 5, 2012

sun and cereal

today was beautiful. so much so that mr. b had to mow the hud and i played outside and watched.

we have noticed lately that hud seems pretty interested in either our utensils or our tonight we decided to try a little rice cereal. he was a fan from the start. he had a great time and got really messy.

 which sent us to the bath immediately...

we are about to have a city wide power-outage?!? what? so ill have to post our lexington photos tomorrow. really a power-outage
